How to get 100% GUARANTEED more sales & enquiries for any product or service on your website.
We've worked on 6,000+ websites since 2001.
That’s how we can 100% guarantee that you will benefit from our free guide.
Wix makes it very easy to make nice looking and functional websites, and gives you plenty of flexibility to make changes.
To gain more business from your Wix website you need to first of all focus on the biggest indicator of whether the website is performing well or not …
That biggest indicator is the level of enquiries you’re gaining about specific products or services that you offer via your website.
This is how you assess whether the enquiry levels are good – or not so good …
For example, during a month:
There are many ways that you can see how many people get to your products or service pages. Google Analytics is the best known.
However, products like Google Analytics, although free, are too weak to enable you to turn low enquiries rates into higher enquiries rates.
This is where A1WebStats can help because the software makes it very clear where there are opportunities to improve the strength of your website and marketing.
This is your path to gaining more business from your Wix website visitors …
But before you sign up for a free trial, you probably want to know what A1WebStats actually shows you …
A1WebStats allows you to create a granular view of all your website visitors, so that you have the option to make beneficial changes to:
While there are numerous ways to benefit from A1WebStats, here are the top five that are most popular with our customers …
Identify a page that you want to get more results from.
Get a view of every individual visitor that got to that page, including what brought them to the website, and how long they were on each page before and after your page of interest.
Make the pages stronger, based on what the data is telling you. You can call on the A1WebStats team to help interpret the data.
End result: more people making contact about products or services.
This part of our website takes you through this in more detail:
Where identifiable, you can see the names of the companies that visited your website, and what the visitor looked at page by page. For example:
If companies that have visited your website haven’t made contact with you, but they are of interest to you, then you have the option to use various methods to reach out to them.
The concept of companies identification expands into many areas that the A1WebStats system helps you with, including getting instant alerts when certain types of visitors arrive at your website. You will benefit hugely by looking through the guidance within this part of our website:
Whether you use Google Ads, blogs, social media promotion, organic SEO, or many other ways to drive traffic to your website, you want a return on that investment (both financial and time investment).
The A1WebStats system lets you dig deep into the outcome from your marketing activities and helps you to make refinements.
As an example, we’ve lost count of the number of people who have been horrified at just how much wastage there is in their Google Ads advertising, both because of weaknesses in the setup of Google Ads and also weaknesses in the website experience.
This part of our website introduces a range of marketing activities used to drive traffic to websites, and how the A1WebStats system helps you to get more return on investment –
If you send out email campaigns, it’s likely that you’ll be able to see:
What you’re highly unlikely to know is what happened to the people AFTER they clicked through to your website from your email marketing campaign.
With A1WebStats you can see who digs deeper into your website pages after clicking through. Then you have the option to apply further focus on those people that you know are showing signs of being more interested in the content on your website.
With A1WebStats you can dig deeper into those email campaign clicks and can see more details here:
For those incoming enquiries that you do get (whether by phone, email, or website contact form), it would be useful to know the following information about each of those enquirers:
A1WebStats makes this easy and the pages within this section of our website provide plenty of information of how to link enquiries back to their sources –
If any of the above looks useful to you (and it should do – thousands of businesses benefit from using our powerful software) and you’d like to gain more results from your Wix website, then all you need to do is fill in your details on our signup form to get the 30 day free trial. That trial includes the option to have a free call/screenshare to run through your data and show you some opportunities that you may have been missing out on.
That’s all totally for free – with no sales pitch. If you value our product and how it can help you, we would welcome you to continue with A1WebStats after your free trial. If you thought it was kind of interesting, benefited from the knowledge gained, but couldn’t commit to the £30-50 per month, then we’d thank you for trialling and leave the door open for you to come back to us at a later stage if you wanted to.
Thank you for reading.
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