How to get 100% GUARANTEED more sales & enquiries for any product or service on your website.
We've worked on 6,000+ websites since 2001.
That’s how we can 100% guarantee that you will benefit from our free guide.
When your clients aren’t getting enough business, they can be enticed by distractions that won’t ultimately benefit them.
One damaging distraction is identifying companies that visited their website and then spending time chasing those companies.
Those distractions will eat their budget and time, and so also take business away from them, and you, the agency.
Agency skills are at the core of ensuring the prosperity of your current and potential clients.
White labelled A1WebStats is part of that solution, helping you to focus attention on the data that matters.
Agencies white label A1WebStats in three ways:
You may want to dive fully into the free 30 days of white labelling A1WebStats or dip a toe in the water first and revisit it later.
Read more about Getting Started
Questions that will likely be buzzing around your head as you read this page.
Yes, we know that costs beyond the free trial will be one of those questions, and it’s answered here.
You’ll get a lot more detail if you read this whole section but the alternative is to view our video below …
Many clients of agencies tend to see their agency as a supplier and not a partner.
A cost and not an investment.
We think that’s a shame, because it can lead to your clients going down a bad path that will lose them – and you – future business.
The Problem starts when your clients gain a magpie mentality, attracted by bright shiny things.
One of those bright shiny things is having the ability to see identifiable companies that visited the website of your client.
They get contacted by one of many of the suppliers of those services. Here are just a few of those, all of which are competitors of us (A1WebStats):
Although A1WebStats also supply details of identifiable companies within our system, we offer a LOT more that is truly beneficial, including benefiting your agency.
In fact, unlike our competitors, we actively encourage businesses NOT to chase companies, but use our system more intelligently to gain more business. You can see that here:
Our competitors broadcast a message to your clients, which is effectively:
You need to see which companies visit your website … and then chase those companies to convert some of them into business.
Our competitors then encourage your clients to use their software to identify companies that have visited their website.
And that’s when your clients’ perception of “this is great” starts the process of them losing business, which we’ll go on to explain …
Your clients get all excited when they see something like this, showing them businesses that have been to their website:
And they like it even more when they can see the detail of what a visiting company has looked at page by page …
Some software will show details of people who work for those companies (although that data is typically taken from sources such as LinkedIn and will rarely be the actual person who visited the website).
More importantly (from a GDPR perspective), it’s highly unlikely that those people gave permission for their details to be included within that software system (which does raise some questions about legality) …
So your clients may see it as an opportunity to then reach out to those companies, hoping to salvage something from a company that visited their website, but who didn’t make contact.
Unfortunately, if your clients get hooked on companies-chasing then they will ultimately be beaten by competitors who take a more intelligent viewpoint.
And that’s where the key problem is – most of those visiting companies chose NOT to make contact because there was something that didn’t resonate with them during their visit to the website.
Let’s look at this in more detail …
Whatever methods drive potential buyers to the websites of your clients, there is likely to come a time when those potential buyers choose to compare your clients to competitors of your clients.
Typically, they will use Google.
Here we take you through the path of a typical ‘potential customer’, having searched for something in Google, and what happens after that …
Here we’ve used the search phrase ‘plastic gears suppliers’, which brings up both paid and organic results in Google …
Although the potential buyer may possibly be more selective about which search results they click on, they will more typically click on the results, from the top, moving down …
They look through that website, but aren’t inspired enough to make contact.
Sooooo ….
They look through, but again aren’t inspired enough to make contact.
They look through that website, but again aren’t inspired enough to make contact.
They will carry on clicking through to websites until they have either found something that gives them enough reasons to make contact, or they will give up.
Of those websites that were visited, those businesses that have a mindset of ‘companies tracking/chasing’ and have software installed, will ALL see the details of the company that visited their website. For example …
And each of those companies (of which your client may be one) will take a view of:
“That company didn’t contact us – we’re going to try and reach out to them”
This results in a crazy activity of multiple companies (including your clients) chasing the same company that went to their websites.
In reality, the person from the visiting company, even if they could be tracked down, actively chose NOT to make contact with those companies, often because their websites had let them down.
So we end up in this ridiculous situation:
All those who sing the praises of identifying companies (who visited a website) are presenting similar data but in different formats. Here are just a couple of examples …
They all want your clients to chase those companies.
NONE of them want your client to realise that many of their website visitors will be from ‘company people’ but they can’t be tracked by their software (typically, only 10-30% of website visitors can be identified as a company).
Most of them have differing views of those companies (all businesses in the ‘companies identification’ sector will have data that differs to each other).
NONE of them want your clients to focus on the key problem – the fact that companies, identifiable or not, CHOOSE not to make contact with them.
ALL of our competitors would be happy for your clients to spend money on them, even though your clients should really be spending more money on you, the agency, who can help them the most.
There are, though, some upsides to your clients focusing on companies tracking and chasing …
We do have some agencies that white label A1WebStats purely to allow their customers to see companies that go to their websites. It’s not the definitive solution, but it’s what those agencies choose to do.
Contrary to what our competitors would say, there are many downsides:
The ultimate solution is NOT to need to chase companies that visited, but instead to ensure that the website is strong enough to convert a visit into an enquiry/sale.
None of our competitors focus on this important factor. A1WebStats is alone in encouraging agencies and their clients to focus on the bigger picture of what website visitors data unveils.
This is where your agency can help, assisted by white labelled A1WebStats and our understanding of what makes businesses successful. Our view of what creates online success is this …
Read on to see how white labelled A1WebStats helps to achieve this for you and your clients …
For you as an agency, here’s our view of the key benefits of your clients gaining more business from their websites:
Here’s the flipside to the coin, something we’ve seen happen too much …
White labelling A1WebStats helps your clients and your agency to grow.
Agencies use white labelled A1WebStats in three ways, ranging from basic to more advanced functionality. Please click on the links below to dig deeper into what would be most applicable for your agency and your clients …
This is the simplest approach and works like this:
Starting with your free 60 day trial, you, the agency, create your client an account within your white labelled A1WebStats. You can create as many clients as you want to, working within your allowance (our entry level tier allows you to have an allowance of 15,000 visitors spread between as many clients as you want to, for the standard £200/month).
Each day your client will receive a (white labelled) email from your agency, summarising the identifiable companies that went to their website the previous day. They can then click to log into their account and see the details of what those companies looked at page by page.
You decide whether to charge your client a fee, or to absorb it into other costs. All you pay us is the total £200/month (if choosing to continue after your 60 day free trial).
You may be looking for new clients short-term or longer-term.
You probably already know that it’s an uphill battle trying to encourage new potential clients to benefit from your services.
White labelled A1WebStats allows you to get a ‘foot in the door’ by offering something that those future clients think is of value to them – seeing identifiable companies that go to their websites.
Because it costs you nothing to service those clients (beyond using part of your monthly overall allowance of visitors data), you can start to build a relationship with them, via the data that the system is giving them about visiting companies.
As well as identifying companies, you will gain insights into the overall website visitor patterns of those future clients and can feed useful information to them, encouraging them bit by bit to consider paying for your services. It’s very common, for example, to identify paid advertising that is wasting future client budget because the advertising is set up inefficiently, or the website itself is failing to convert clicks to enquiries.
Although we include ‘companies identification’ as part of the software, we don’t encourage reliance on that.
Instead we encourage a much more intelligent approach to website analytics, helped by the fact that our system goes into much more detail than Google Analytics, while presenting information in a much more accessible way.
This video gives you an example of how you can help clients to focus on a part of their website that they’d like more results from – and then fix any weaknesses identified …
Taking the content of the video above, below you will see the recommended way to use white labelled A1WebStats to benefit your clients …
Identify the opportunity
You ask your client one simple question:
“What product or service would you like more enquiries about?”
Just one.
No more than that.
Collate the data
Using white labelled A1WebStats, plus our assistance as required, you will have a detailed view of every single visitor who got to that part of your client website. This includes:
Here’s an example of one visitor (in this case, from an identifiable company), who entered via a keyword phrase of ‘dsear risk assessments’ from Google Ads, and that went to a few pages after their visit to the website on 13th September, having previously been to the website on 8th August:
Refine the data
This is the important part – you can use white labelled A1WebStats to focus on visitors to a product or service page, but remove those visitors that may not be of interest. For example, potential buyers may only be visitors who:
The end result is a refined view of the data, showing ONLY the numbers of potential buyers who got to that product or service page.
Compare data to results
Now it’s time to compare the number of potential buyers (as shown by the data, for a chosen time period) to the number of actual enquiries gained.
That figure needs to be expressed as a percentage.
It’s likely to be a figure that your client isn’t impressed by.
That’s good, because the evidence of data will lead to positive change, which benefits your client and your agency.
Identify potential improvements
Focusing on the product or service page that should be gaining higher levels of enquiries from relevant visitors to that page, the white labelled A1WebStats system (plus our data-interpreting assistance if required) will help you to identify ways to strengthen the product/service page (and sometimes supporting pages).
Make the improvements
Your agency implements the changes that will achieve stronger results for the client.
Re-measure results
After a further period of analysis, re-measure the enquiries gained after the changes.
Reap the benefits
By focusing on what matters (stronger websites leading to more enquiries gained), instead of distractions (identifiable companies to chase), your client will gain more business.
That leads to:
Like most agencies, you’re probably busy.
In our experience, only a small proportion of agencies seem to be lacking work at any given time.
So why should you even consider white labelling A1WebStats?
Simply: because shit happens.
Shit such as:
It may not be this week, this month, next month, or for months ahead.
But it can happen.
White labelling A1WebStats is all about building a pipeline for the future, as well as strengthening client loyalty and gaining short-term sales.
This is how we recommend considering us …
In other words …
You may be busy but while you’re busy, the powerful data insights within your white labelled A1WebStats system will be impressing those businesses where it’s installed and they’ll be more receptive to you asking for more business from them – when you’re ready.
We know what you may be thinking:
What if my customers see opportunities in the data and want our agency to do work for them when we’re already busy?
The answer is easy: just say yes, but inflate your prices a bit more than normal.
Is inflating prices unethical? No – not if you, the agency, are helping the client to gain a stronger website that will gain them substantially more enquiries and sales.
It’s a mutually beneficial transaction.
To gain the maximum benefits from the 60 day free trial of white labelled A1WebStats, you should use as much of the 15,000 visitors data allowance as you can.
This means you need to gain the interest of businesses that could benefit from that free data.
You could select from your existing customer base.
You could actively target new potential customers.
Or you could do both – it’s your choice.
But the free 60 days won’t work unless you have planned it out.
This is what we recommend:
This is how to sign up for your free 60 days of A1WebStats white label.
We’d expect you to have a few questions. If they’re not answered here, then please contact us so that we can help …
“Am I going to get the hard sell?”
Not at all. We have an anti-sell culture.
All we ask is that potential white labellers engage in dialogue about how the system benefits you and your clients.
At no point do we ever sales pitch our offering.
“What does it cost after the free 60 days of the A1WebStats white label solution?”
By the end of 60 days, the benefits should be clear. If choosing to continue afterwards, our fee is £200 (+ VAT) per month for an allowance of 15,000 visitors spread between as many clients as you want to.
Additional pricing tiers are available if you have higher data allowance requirements.
There is no contract – you can cancel at any point.
“How much do I charge my clients for access to the data?”
This is your choice.
Some agencies charge clients a fee to have access to data that benefits them.
Other agencies treat the monthly fee as a general cost that helps retain customer loyalty while building a pipeline of business for the future.
“What support do I get?”
It’s in our interests for our white labelling clients to choose and keep using A1WebStats.
You get as much support as you want to get – by phone, email, and screenshare.
For as long as we are providing a service that benefits you and your clients, we also benefit.
Therefore, we (to use a cliché) always go the extra mile.
“Can I really sign up as many customers as I want to?”
Yes, as long as they have less than 15,000 visitors per month between all of them (within the free 60 days)
Don’t worry – we’ll let you know if you go over your allowance and there are no automatic increases in charges.
“What happens if I want more than 15,000 visitors data allowance per month?”
If choosing to continue after the free 60 days you can opt for higher pricing tiers, as shown on this page of our website
Still reading? If you’ve still got any questions, please reach out to us via any of the methods on our contact page.
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