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How do people typically search for what your business offers and is there an opportunity waiting for you just by focusing more on visibility within Google images search results?
Taking an example, let’s say you’re searching for office plants. Which of these paths would you take?
Click through on various websites that appear under your search phrase, until you find plants that appeal to you.
Scan through the images that appear until you find something that appeals to you, then click through to that website.
For something that’s quite a visual type of search, Path 2 is going to provide the quickest route to what you’re looking for, particularly if you’re looking for something quite specific (e.g. tall office plants).
Within the A1WebStats system you can select a date range and then click on ‘Referrers’, where you will hopefully find Google Images as being a referrer of traffic to your website. If you don’t, then expand the date range until you do. Then ask yourself the question:
“If I only had X clicks through from Google Images in all that time, then am I missing out on an opportunity to gain more traffic?”
The purpose of this blog is purely to raise awareness of what you could be doing, not to go into the various strategies of how to gain strong visibility in Google Images. However, here are some steps to get you started …
You could be surprised. We’ve seen many A1WebStats triallers who weren’t originally aware that Google Images could be part of their SEO strategy and were then pleasantly surprised when they invested some time into it.