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How it helps your clients

The most important question

What do YOUR clients want?

We suggest that the vast majority of your clients will have one simple desire:

More enquiries and sales.

Who helps satisfy that desire?

You do – for a fee – for as long as the client perceives there is value in the relationship.

The clients that are most beneficial to you are those that find your services so valuable that they will happily recommend you onto new clients.

Reselling/white labelling the A1WebStats system helps you to strengthen your relationship with your clients because they get what they want: more enquiries and sales from the specific functionality within the system.

It can also help you to gain new clients.


Have your clients been contacted by Lead Forensics?

If they have, then they may have been seduced by what appears to be magic – awareness of all the companies that visited their website, so that your client can easily reach out to those companies that visited their website, but didn’t make contact.

We refer to this on our how it helps you page but it’s worth repeating here because it’s so important to avoid your client wasting budget that they could be allocating to you (so that you can help them get better results) …

Lead Forensics are well-recognised for pushing (either directly or via a white labelled offering) this key message to businesses:

You can identify companies that visit your website and then reach out to them.

Many businesses blindly buy into that message, not realising the key problem:

  1. They identify companies visiting their website and there is apparent interest in the products or solutions on offer.
  2. They then try to reach out to those companies – attempting to bridge the gap between the knowledge of an unidentified individual from an identified company that has visited their website.
  3. They realise that it’s painful work to try and bridge that gap.
  4. They win some.
  5. They lose some.
  6. But they don’t focus on the biggest problem …


What’s the biggest problem?

If someone from a company has been to a website but hasn’t made contact, then there are a couple of reasons for that:

  1. It’s too early in the decision-making process.
  2. They weren’t impressed enough with what they found on the website.

The majority will fall into category 2 above.  They always have the option to go back to search results to look at other options, if they didn’t find enough to impress them on the website.

So, companies are spending budget on identifying visiting companies when we’d suggest they should be spending that budget on the answer …


What’s the answer?

While there is of course value in trying to follow up with identifiable companies that have been to a website, and it’s part of what the A1WebStats solution provides, it’s reactive rather than proactive.

Proactive focuses on the important stuff.

Important stuff varies depending on the client but try this question on some of your clients:

Would you rather have to chase companies that have been to your website, or would you rather they made contact in the first place?

Most sane business people would prefer those companies to make contact.


So, what makes people make contact?

The right people being driven to the right part of a website and seeing website strengths that makes them think: this gives me enough reassurance to want to make contact.

NOT an amateur Adwords setup bringing in the wrong traffic.

NOT a website that fails to answer the questions in the mind of the visitor.


How does the A1WebStats system (white labelled) help you and your clients?

Our software uncovers data that Google Analytics could (if Google wanted to) reveal, but doesn’t.

That’s data that allows businesses to micro-analyse what is important to them:

Why aren’t we getting more enquiries/sales of X (where X is a product or service)?

The A1WebStats system starts at the end – focusing on a product or service that the client wants to gain more enquiries about/sales of.

It then shows the individual path through the website of every single visitor (whether identifiable as a company or not) who got to that website page.

It then allows the removal of irrelevant data (for example, visitors to that website page who were outside the geographical target area, or who were competitors, or people looking for jobs).

By removing noise data, A1WebStats helps to create a true picture of how many relevant visitors got to the product or service page (in any given time period).

That number of relevant visitors can be compared to enquiry/sales levels about that product or service, and expressed as a percentage.

Taking an example …

You see that a product or service page has had 150 visitors and you know that there were 5 enquiries about that product or service.

You then use the A1WebStats system to weed out irrelevant traffic to that page and end up with 100 relevant visitors that led to 5 enquiries.

That product or service page (and supporting website pages) have achieved a 5% success rate.  Which means 95% didn’t result in anything, which can make for depressing reading.

But depressing is good if it leads to positive action.

Positive action comes from working out what needs to change within:

  • The product or service page itself.
  • Parts of the website that support that product or service page (before or after the visitor went to that page).
  • The marketing used to drive traffic to the website or that product or service page.

Who is in a position to help facilitate that change?

You are.


What do YOU want?

Hopefully, your answer is that you want more loyalty and business from your current clients, and also to gain more clients.

But it goes deeper than that, which is why we have a dedicated page titled how it helps you.


Key uses of white labelled A1WebStats

As you would expect from analytics software, there are numerous ways that you can filter data.  Here we offer the key uses of A1WebStats, which can be used either just by you, the reseller, or also provided to your client for their direct use …

Companies identification – we put this top of the list because it’s the starting point of interest for most businesses, regardless of our view that there’s a much bigger picture to consider than identifying companies that visit a website.

Increasing enquiries and sales – by focusing on the desired end result (people making contact about specific products or services), the system lets you and your clients drill into any product or service page(s) and understand every visitor path to and from those pages.  This leads to strategies that will strengthen the online proposition, leading to higher enquiries and sales.

Paid advertising return on investment – this may be Google Adwords, Facebook ads, online directory listings, and more.  Our system helps you and your clients to track every individual visitor from paid advertising, including what they looked at page by page.  From general patterns (e.g. those who went to more than the landing page) through to specific patterns (e.g. those who came in from Google Adwords, got to a particular page, but didn’t go to a key page).

Linking enquiries back to sources – whether enquiries from contact forms, emails, or telephone calls, the system can provide insights into what contributed towards the enquiry.  This includes previous website visits, original source of the visitor (e.g. Adwords), and what pages contributed towards the enquiry being gained.

Email marketing engagement after the click – most email marketing systems will show when people opened emails and clicked on links.  Where our system takes this further is having the ability to see where each individual person went within the website after clicking.   This is particularly useful to identify email clickers who went to multiple pages, working out who they were, and then focusing on them in more detail via other interactions with them.

API – we offer API access to the data, so if your clients have internal systems (e.g CRM) that they want to pull website visitors data into, then they can.

Customised alerts – your clients can have multiple team members set up and those team members can be set up so that they receive alerts related to when certain companies return to the website.  They can also be emailed specific visitors that may be of interest to them.

Tagging – visitors can be tagged using system default or bespoke tags.  This allows filtered reporting to include or exclude certain types of visitors.  For example, receiving a daily report that shows identifiable companies but excludes those tagged as competitors or existing customers.

Focusing on the relevant – advanced filtering allows a very detailed refinement of data that excludes irrelevant information.   For example, filters could be set up to identify only visitors from specific countries, who got to specific pages, but didn’t get to other pages, and who had originated from Google Adwords.

Shopping process analysis – although Google Analytics provides funnels that show general patterns within shopping processes, our system goes further by showing every visitor that went through a specific pattern.  For example, you can see every visitor who got to a shopping cart, then to checkout, but who didn’t get to the payment page, and therefore build a picture of potential reasons why they didn’t buy through looking at their visitor paths.

Are your clients having challenges that aren’t covered by the key uses above?  Please do contact us – we’d be happy to discuss (in confidence) your client pain points and if our system can help with those then we’ll show you how.