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How to get more leads for real estate agents

Here are 20 tips that will help you to get more leads for your real estate business.

They are in no particular order and some may appeal more than others.

Simply scan the list below and click on those that interest you the most.

There’s a lot of ideas there so maybe  start by implementing just one of them and then come back for more.


1. Using email marketing to nurture future real estate leads

2. Get more real estate leads by collaborating with local businesses to expand your network

3. Leveraging social media for real estate leads

4. A professional website

5. Real Estate SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

6. Paid online advertising to get more real estate leads

7. Get more leads by offering valuable real estate content

8. Host real estate webinars and workshops to educate potential clients

9. Participate in community events to connect with potential clients

10. Implement a referral program to encourage future real estate agent leads

11. Network with industry professionals to build relationships that can lead to more real estate leads

12. Using real estate listing websites to showcase properties

13. Offer free property valuations to entice future customers

14. Organize open houses to engage with potential real estate customers

15. Utilize direct mail marketing to reach out to potential real estate leads

16. Engage in online forums and communities to share knowledge of your real estate expertise

17. Collaboration with influencers who are in related spaces

18. Customer testimonials

19. Offer free consultations to showcase your real estate expertise

20. Attend real estate seminars and conferences to network and learn 



Using email marketing to nurture future real estate leads

Email marketing is an invaluable tool for nurturing relationships and capturing real estate leads.

By curating a targeted and engaged subscriber list, you can regularly share updates on properties, insights into the market, and helpful resources that only a realtor would have expertise in.

As potential clients consider their options, they often have questions such as:

“Where can I see the latest properties?

“How can I get a property valuation?”

Effective email marketing serves as the perfect channel to provide these answers, keeping your real estate offerings at the forefront of their minds. It allows you to craft personalized messages and compelling calls-to-action, guiding recipients seamlessly toward the next steps in their property journey.

By consistently delivering relevant and valuable content through email, you not only capture leads but also establish a strong rapport with your audience, building trust and positioning yourself as their go-to real estate expert when they’re ready to make their move.

Email marketing is a direct line of communication that nurtures leads and helps to convert them into clients.


Get more real estate leads by collaborating with local businesses to expand your network

As a realtor, building partnerships with local businesses is a strategic approach that not only expands your network but also enhances your credibility and client base.

Collaborations with all of these will help to create mutually beneficial relationships:

  • Mortgage brokers
  • Lawyers
  • Contractors
  • Interior designers.

As potential clients explore property opportunities, they may wonder:

“Which local businesses are in your network?” and;

“How does this benefit me?”

You explaining the advantages of your network (for example: easier mortgage processes or discounted renovation services), emphasizes your commitment to providing a holistic and supportive real estate experience that caters to a broader spectrum of your clients’ needs.

Additionally, these collaborations often lead to referrals, enhancing your leads and fostering long-term relationships with both clients and the businesses within your network.

Ultimately, strategic alliances with local businesses enrich your service offerings and provide added value to your clients, making you their go-to real estate professional. 

Leveraging social media for real estate leads

Social media has become an indispensable tool in the real estate landscape, offering an expansive and accessible platform to engage potential buyers and sellers.

By harnessing the power of platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and X to present your expertise and offerings, you are able to share informative content including:

  • Market trends
  • The process of doing business with you
  • Success stories (including focus on customers who have been happy in their new home for many years since you helped them)
  • Engaging property highlights.

Sign up to the social media feeds of other realtors in your area or anywhere else – it’s always a good idea to absorb how other realtors are utilising social media as it will help to shape the type and frequency of content that you create.

Social media not only expands your reach but also allows you to create a brand personality, ultimately leading to a substantial inflow of potential clients and successful conversions in the competitive real estate domain. 

A professional website

If you took a client to a battered dirty property, they’re not going to be interested.

The same applies to your website.

People see numerous websites each day and the quality of many of them sets an expectation with people that everyone should have a website that is:

  • Attractive
  • Informative
  • Answers all the questions they may have in their heads

If they go to your website and it doesn’t impress them then they’re unlikely to make contact with you

Crafting a professional website is pivotal in establishing a formidable online presence amongst all the other real estate websites.

It serves as the digital face of your business, a place where potential clients visit to peruse property listings, delve into your services, and comprehend your expertise.

A visually appealing and user-friendly website is non-negotiable and needs to answer many questions people may have, which could include:

“Where can I explore available properties?

“What do people say about you as the realtor?”

“Why should I choose you and not another realtor?”

“What happens step by step once I engage with you?”

“How do I get in touch for more information?”

A well-designed website effortlessly addresses these queries, providing easy access to property listings, reassurances about you, and offering intuitive inquiry systems.

The clarity and accessibility conveyed through your website substantially influence the visitor’s decision-making process, significantly impacting lead generation in an environment where you’re competing with other realtors. 

Real Estate SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Do a Google search for keyword phrases that your potential customers may type when thinking of buying or selling a property.

Take note of those that appear prominently.   It could be that their websites aren’t amazing but they are at least visible.

If you have invested time and resources in your own website then more visibility via SEO will bring you the website visitors that will convert to inquiries at a better rate than your competitors (even if they are also in the Google search results).

By strategically employing relevant keywords, creating high-quality content, and refining your website structure, you significantly improve its ranking on search engine result pages.

There isn’t space here to focus on everything you need to get right to ensure that Google takes your website seriously but there will be many quick wins for you to implement, including:

  • Meta data
  • Keyword usage within the website (not too little, not too much)
  • Imagery that supports SEO
  • Page content text that supports SEO

A robust SEO strategy ensures that your website appears prominently in response to anything people type into Google and by optimizing your website effectively, you not only increase its discoverability but also establish credibility in the eyes of potential clients, leading to heightened engagement and a steady influx of leads.

SEO forms the bedrock of your online presence, enabling you to effectively connect with and assist people who are looking for real estate services. 

Paid online advertising to get more real estate leads

Many realtors avoid paid advertising because there’s a fear of wasting money on something that doesn’t work.

However, if your website is strong enough then you will get results from paid online advertising to instantly escalate your online visibility within a targeted audience.

Platforms like Google Ads, Facebook, and other social media offer sophisticated advertising mechanisms, enabling you to tailor your campaigns based on demographics, interests, and online behaviors.

You can raise visibility of your real estate business with paid ads in two key ways:

  1. Being highly visible when someone is actively searching for your type of services (for example, using Google Ads to appear in front of someone who has searched for ‘real estate agents Williamsburg’).
  2. Being highly visible in front of people within your target geographical area, but who aren’t necessarily people currently looking to buy or sell (for example, Facebook ads appearing in front of people of a certain demographic within the geographical area you serve).

Paid advertising ensures that your real estate offerings and services are precisely placed before them and so, by investing in strategic advertising, you not only elevate your chances of reaching potential clients but also bolster your brand presence, driving a surge of interested buyers and sellers to you. It’s a proactive approach, positioning your real estate services at the forefront of audiences who are actively seeking property solutions or could possibly be thinking about it.


Get more leads by offering valuable real estate content

Providing valuable content is an important strategy to help attract and engage potential real estate clients.

Whether it’s informative blog posts, e-books, podcasts, or engaging videos, creating content that addresses common questions and concerns in the real estate market is key. As individuals contemplate their property decisions, they will have many questions in their minds and your content (which will usually live within your website) can attract their attention.

The brilliant book ‘They Ask You Answer’ by Marcus Sheridan provides insights into ensuring that your content (text, video, and imagery) answers all the questions people may have relating to how you can potentially help them.

You can also look at the websites, videos and more of other realtors, which will stimulate your thinking about what you could be creating to appeal to people within your e geographical target area.

Valuable content not only offers insightful answers but positions you as an expert in the field, building trust and credibility with your audience.  By showcasing your knowledge and providing solutions to their real estate challenges, you draw potential clients to your platforms, initiating meaningful connections.  Furthermore, informative content establishes a long-term relationship, ensuring that when the time is right, these engaged individuals will turn to you for their real estate needs, converting them from intrigued readers to loyal clients.


Host real estate webinars and workshops to educate potential clients

Hosting real estate webinars and workshops is an effective strategy to impart knowledge, showcase your expertise, and connect with potential clients.

These typically online events allow you to delve into various aspects of the real estate market, from buying and selling strategies to investment opportunities.

By offering a platform for education and discussion, you establish yourself as a knowledgeable authority and a valuable resource in the real estate industry.

Webinars and workshops provide a space for participants to get their questions answered, helping them make informed decisions. This direct engagement not only helps in generating leads but also cultivates trust and confidence among potential clients, fostering a sense of loyalty. Ultimately, hosting these events showcases your commitment to helping them navigate the complexities of real estate transactions.

Hosting such events is not for everyone though – start off by signing up to those hosted by other realtors (either locally or further geographically) and experience how those are run before you decide if you want to follow this strategy.


Participate in community events to connect with potential clients

Actively engaging in community events, sponsorships, and local gatherings is a dynamic strategy to connect with potential real estate clients.

Whether it’s sponsoring a charity run, participating in a neighborhood fair, or anything else in the community, being present at these events allows you to interact with the community.

Attendees will sometimes be thinking questions (if they like you!) such as:

“How can I get in touch with you after the event?”

“What properties are currently available for sale in my area?”

“How can I stay in touch for future use?”

Addressing these thoughts and questions helps to raise confidence and positions you as a local real estate expert.

Actively participating in community events also demonstrates your commitment to the neighborhood, reinforcing trust and showcasing your dedication beyond just property transactions. Moreover, these interactions can lead to valuable referrals and recommendations, broadening your clientele and fostering strong, lasting relationships within your local community.

Ultimately, being an active part of community events is a fruitful approach to expand your reach and create meaningful connections with potential clients.


Implement a referral program to encourage future real estate agent leads

Implementing a referral program in your real estate business is an effective strategy to incentivize satisfied clients to spread the word about your services.

Think about current clients and how they can refer:

  • Friends
  • Family
  • Contacts

While some clients may refer you onto their contacts without expecting anything in return, such referrals will be much easier if you give them an incentive.

By providing attractive incentives (for example: discounts on future transactions or gift cards), you motivate your existing clients to actively refer potential buyers or sellers. This referral system not only amplifies your lead generation but also fosters a sense of appreciation and loyalty among your client base.

Furthermore, referred leads often come pre-qualified, leading to smoother transactions and a higher conversion rate.  In essence, a well-structured referral program can significantly boost your real estate leads while cultivating a loyal and engaged clientele.


Network with industry professionals to build relationships that can lead to more real estate leads

Establishing strong relationships with industry professionals is a proactive approach to broaden your network and enhance your real estate business.  These would be professionals such as

  • Mortgage brokers
  • Lawyers
  • Home inspectors
  • Contractors

These professionals are often an integral part of a real estate transaction, and potential clients might be thinking:

“Why are these connections important for my property transaction and how do I get in touch with them?”

Collaborating with these experts allows you to provide comprehensive solutions and a seamless experience to your clients.

By showcasing the value of these connections – like expedited mortgage approvals or reliable home inspections – you instill confidence and trust in your potential clients.

Additionally, these professionals often have their own network of clients who might require real estate services, leading to mutually beneficial referrals.

Ultimately, fostering relationships within the industry not only enriches your knowledge and services but also expands your client base, paving the way for successful real estate transactions.


Using real estate listing websites to showcase properties

Using popular real estate listing websites, such as Zillow,, or Trulia, is a strategic way to extend the reach of your property listings and connect with a broader audience of potential buyers and sellers.

These platforms are frequented by individuals actively searching for properties, making them an ideal space to showcase your listings.

By ensuring your listings are not only present but well-curated on these platforms, you enhance your visibility and make it easier for interested parties to discover and engage with your properties.

Through employing captivating descriptions, high-quality images, and accurate details, you can attract potential clients and prompt them to take the next step, whether it’s scheduling a viewing or reaching out for more information.

Effectively utilizing real estate listing websites amplifies your leads and maximizes the exposure of your properties in the competitive real estate market.


Offer free property valuations to entice future customers

Your future customers may not be yet serious about selling their property, but may be thinking ahead to that time.

Providing free property valuations lets you captivate potential sellers and initiate conversations about listing their property.

Individuals looking to sell often ask themselves questions such as:

“How much is my property worth in the current market?”

“How do I request a valuation?”

By offering this service at no cost, you entice property owners to engage with you in determining the value of their asset.

Conducting a professional and accurate property valuation not only addresses their immediate need for information but also opens the door to discussing potential sales strategies and listing opportunities.

It’s a proactive approach that allows you to showcase your expertise and build rapport with potential clients. Moreover, a positive experience during the valuation process can greatly influence their decision to choose you as their real estate agent when they decide to sell, thus significantly impacting your lead generation efforts. 

Organize open houses to engage with potential real estate customers

Hosting open houses is a dynamic approach to engage potential buyers and showcase a property’s features firsthand.

Organizing these events not only allows them to physically experience the property but also provides you with the opportunity to connect with a pool of potential leads.

During the open house, you can directly address their questions, understand their preferences, and share comprehensive details about the property and its advantages. This interaction often leads to the collection of valuable contact information, enabling you to follow up and nurture these leads.

Additionally, an engaging and memorable open house experience can leave a lasting impression, making these potential clients more likely to turn to you for their real estate needs. It’s a strategic initiative that not only drives immediate engagement but also sets the stage for potential conversions in the near future.


Utilize direct mail marketing to reach out to potential real estate leads

Direct mail marketing is a targeted and tangible strategy to reach potential clients within specific neighborhoods or demographics.

Although the recipients may not be currently considering moving, and although most of them will put your direct mail in the trash, some may keep it or pass it onto others who they know are going to be buying or selling a property.

Direct mail can take the form of postcards, brochures, or letters showcasing your successful transactions, current property listings, or the benefits of working with you as a real estate professional.

If people are considering moving themselves (or know others that are), if your direct mail sells your benefits well enough, and provides clear calls-to-action, such as visiting your website or contacting you directly, you will have a higher chance to be contacted.

Additionally, direct mail marketing allows you to stay top-of-mind, as tangible mail is something people can hold or keep, and often sticks around in homes longer than digital communications.

It is of course a numbers game and something that you could test intelligently.  For example, you could refer to the many online directories and databases that show the dates that properties were last sold and then target those homes where it has been many years since purchase (and maybe those people are thinking about moving soon).   You can of course go deeper than this, identifying households where people have had children, who may not have enough rooms, and so may be considering moving in the future.


Engage in online forums and communities to share knowledge of your real estate expertise

Actively participating in online (including real estate-specific) forums and local community forums is a strategic method to establish your presence, share knowledge, and connect with potential clients.

By engaging in these online platforms and contributing (not purely real estate expertise insights, but being a real and helpful person), you position yourself as both a good person to know AND also being an expert in the real estate market.

Answering queries, providing advice, and sharing experiences not only help the community but also showcase you to a broader audience.  In generic online community forums there may not be frequent opportunities to show your real estate expertise but your overall participation will make you more readily recognizable when the opportunity arises to respond to real estate-related discussions.

Collaboration with influencers who are in related spaces

Collaborating with influencers in the real estate domain or related fields is a strategic way to expand your reach and tap into a broader audience.

By partnering with influencers who align with your brand and target market, you can leverage their credibility and follower base to promote your services and listings.

Of course, you have to find an angle to gain the trust of those influencers because they likely have a higher profile than you and will automatically know that you are wanting to access their followers!

By identifying the people who operate in related spaces, absorbing their content, and starting a dialogue with them, you can gradually open up opportunities to collaborate more.

Those influencers can showcase your properties, share success stories, or highlight your expertise, enabling you to capture the attention of their engaged audience.  This collaboration not only extends your visibility but also instills trust as it comes from a trusted source.

Moreover, influencers often have a strong online presence and can significantly increase your online engagement, driving potential clients to explore your offerings further and potentially convert them into leads. It’s a modern and influential approach to amplifying your brand presence and attracting a new segment of interested buyers and sellers.


Customer testimonials

Customer testimonials are a very powerful tool in building credibility and attracting potential clients to your real estate business.

Prospective clients might be thinking:

“How good are you at what you do?”

“What’s the long term relationship like between you and clients?”

“Can I speak to some of your previous clients?

By showcasing authentic testimonials from satisfied clients and inviting prospects to have dialogue with those clients, you provide social proof of your expertise and the quality of service you offer.

Testimonials often touch upon the positive experiences of working with you, the seamless transactions, and the successful outcomes, creating a favorable impression.

Moreover, testimonials serve as a platform for your clients to share their journey, which can resonate with others facing similar situations or decisions.

You can encourage clients to leave testimonials on various platforms (e.g. Google Reviews) and your website, making them easily accessible to potential clients.

While this isn’t so easy when you are just starting out in real estate, a rigid focus on getting testimonials from every customer is what will build those up for you.

The more number and variety of testimonials you have to show, the higher the potential for people to make contact with you.

Every house buyer or seller will have concerns in their minds and your testimonials have the opportunity to cover many scenarios you’ve assisted with, that have ensured such concerns are never a problem.


Offer free consultations to showcase your real estate expertise

Providing free and no-sales-pitch consultations is a strategic approach to demonstrate your expertise and offer immediate value to potential real estate clients.

Prospective clients may have concerns such as these and many more:

“If I start a conversation, will I get the hard sell?”

“Will the consultation respect my limited time (vs having to practically push the realtor out the door/get them off the phone after two hours)?”

“What happens in specific scenarios that may concern me (e.g. avoiding buying a property next to noisy neighbors)?”

This means that your offer of a free consultation needs to be framed with answering all the doubts they may have in their heads.

For example, you could provide a simple 100% guarantee guide to what you will and won’t get from the free consultation.

Having achieved getting the consultation, you are then able to delve into their requirements, explaining the buying or selling process, discuss market trends, and address any concerns they might have.

By showcasing your knowledge and dedication to their specific needs, you build trust and increase the likelihood of them choosing you as their real estate professional AND to pass your details onto other people they know, even if they don’t go ahead with a transaction at that time.

Overall, a free consultation provides an opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to client satisfaction and sets the stage for a successful and collaborative partnership throughout their buying or selling journey.


Attend real estate seminars and conferences to network and learn

Actively participating in real estate seminars and conferences is a strategic approach to expand your professional network and attract potential clients.

Although most of the attendees are likely to be other realtors, there will still be individuals attending those events with the intention of getting insights into the real estate market, investment opportunities, or looking to buy or sell properties.

By being present at these industry gatherings, you position yourself in front of an engaged and relevant audience, allowing you to forge valuable connections and showcase your expertise.

Actively participating in discussions, hosting a booth, or giving a presentation grants you visibility and credibility to those who you could be working with in the future.  Moreover, networking with other professionals in the industry opens the door for referrals and collaborations, leading to an increase in potential leads.

Overall, these events serve as an excellent platform to broaden your reach, establish meaningful relationships, and ultimately generate more real estate leads.




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