The video below focuses on a website that has some pages that are only PDF’s.
While those PDF’s are strongly visible in Google search results, people clicking through will get through to only the PDF and not the main structure of the website.
Why is this important?
Someone could click on a PDF from Google and won’t see other important information about your business that could be available on your website.
Generally, PDF’s are created within websites (instead of pages) to save on the time and costs to create a page that contains the content from that PDF.
There is another downside to using PDF’s instead of website pages – most businesses don’t know how to track clicks on their PDF’s, which means that their website visitor analytics will never show them who has been landing on or getting to those PDF’s within their website.
Without a full picture of how people enter and move through a website, the business is partially blind to what is and isn’t performing for them.
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