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First steps to white labelling A1Webstats

Are you at the point where you’re new to A1WebStats and want to get a warm fluffy feeling before committing to white labelling our service?

Would you like the option to set up individual client accounts (to test us out) and then later have them moved into your white label data allowance (instead of paying those monthly costs)?

If so, this page is for you.


Step 1 – choose a test subject

Pick a client of yours that has at least 400 visitors during a typical month.


Step 2 – sign up for a 30 day free trial

When signing up for a trial via, use the details of the client website but use YOUR name and email address in the signup.

When you include your own name and email address, we know that our emails and dialogue should be with you directly, and not your end client.


Step 3 – optionally discuss with your client

Some agencies choose to install tracking code on client websites without notifying the client.  This is usually to avoid bothering the client until there is something that is worth discussing.

However, one of our competitors (Lead Forensics) actively tracks our code installations and contacts A1WebStats triallers, trying to sell their software.  Therefore it may be a good idea to warn your client that this is likely to happen, and that your client will experience:

  • Hard-sell pressure
  • Pricing that is much higher than necessary
  • Potentially being locked into a 12 month contract
  • Software that only identifies visiting companies, and doesn’t help in the many other ways that A1WebStats does

There is though a way that you can stop Lead Forensics from seeing the tracking code installations …


Step 4 – install the tracking code

We provide various options to install the tracking code on your client website.

Noting Step 3 above, if you want to avoid Lead Forensics from identifying our tracking code then you can install via Google Tag Manager, if that’s been implemented for your client.

If Google Tag Manager is not in place, then you can install the tracking code using any of the methods as shown on


Step 5 – accumulate some data

In the early stages of the trial, you’ll see data that focuses on identifiable companies that visit the website of your client.

When more data has collected (typically 300+ visitors) then you’re ready to move onto Step 6 …


Step 6 – experience how the A1WebStats software can benefit your agency

Although your client may be primarily interested in the identifiable companies that visit their website, the A1WebStats system has a lot of functionality that’s designed to help them more substantially.

During the trial we offer a call/screenshare with you, running through your client data, highlighting ways that you can use the system to benefit your client and your agency in a way that is mutually beneficial.

The best way to describe this is Google Analytics on steroids.

A1WebStats will help you and your client to identify:

  1. Opportunities to strengthen the website.
  2. Opportunities to refine marketing.

While there’s some value in identifying visiting companies, the real power of A1WebStats is in the identification of opportunities to make the website/marketing stronger.  This leads to more business for your client, and more work for you, the agency.

It’ll also lead to more recommendations for your agency because …

  1. Your client gets a stronger online presence, and knows you’re part of making that happen
  2. They speak to their contacts about what a great job you do
  3. You get more enquiries from those recommendations


Step 7 – buy or don’t buy

Provided that you and your client see value in the system and data, then you/they may choose to buy at a cost ranging from of £40-60 per month (based on up to 3,000 or up to 7,000 website visitors tracked per month).

There is no contract – they or you can cancel at any time.


Step 8 – rinse and repeat

When you’ve got one client with a paid subscription, you may want to set up more trials.

You can set up as many trials as you like – you just need to use a different email address for each trial.

You’ll go through exactly the same process as the first 7 steps above.


Step 9 – when you have more than 3 paying clients

Agencies who white label A1WebStats get a data allowance of 15,000 visitors for £200 (+ VAT where paid) per month.  That data allowance can be spread through as many clients as you want to, each of which has their own login via your white labelled setup.

So, whether you’ve got 4, 6, 8, 10, or more clients, and between them they have up to 15,000 visitors per month, then it’s still the same cost of £200 per month.

When you have more than 3 paying clients then it becomes more cost-effective to create a white label account via contacting us.

After your white label account is created, we would cancel the payments of those accounts you originally set up, and include them within your monthly data allowance of 15,000 visitors (which costs £200 per month).  Those accounts would also display as being within your white label (with your branding).

This normally means that you have some of your clients taking up part of your 15,000 monthly website visitors allowance and you have a lot more data allowance left over to allocate to other clients/potential clients (all within the standard monthly £200 fee).


Our commitment

Most of our agencies start with one or two clients trialling our system.

We are here to support agencies in how to get the most useful information from the A1WebStats system, with a view to creating white label accounts when the time is right.

The more we support you, the more you can utilise the power of A1WebStats for the benefit of your clients (and your own agency, because your client will want to pay you to strengthen their online presence, based on where the data indicates that enhancements would be beneficial).

Our support continues when you become a white labeller, because the more clients you have using the system, the more potential for you to go up a pricing tier when you need more than the 15,000 visitors per month allowance.

That’s pure business sense – we help you to use our white labelled solution in ways that will gain both you and your clients more business.  You introduce more clients to the white labelled solution (because it’s mutually beneficial) and so need more data.

It’s a win-win-win scenario because:

  1. Win – the data shows ways in which your clients can strengthen their online presence and when that’s achieved, they gain more business.
  2. Win – you, the agency, would get paid to undertake that work for your client, and also benefit from their positive recommendations onto future potential clients (because you’ve helped them so much).
  3. Win – us, A1WebStats – because the more you and your clients benefit from the white labelled system, the more we benefit financially.


Any questions?

Just contact us – we’re here to help.