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Where Did People Go After Landing?

Here is the final step in using A1WebStats to better understand how relevant people navigate through your website after landing on specific pages.

There’s a fair bit of text here (and a video further down) but it’s worth investing your time in because you will gain more business from your website page landers, if you follow the recommendations in the text and the video.

If you haven’t followed the first three steps, you can see them via the links below:

Identify important landing pages

Weed out the junk

What brought people to those pages?

You should now have the following:

  1. You’ve defined your landing page(s) of interest
  2. You’ve eliminated junk visitors
  3. You’ve got a clear picture of what brought people to the landing page(s).

Now it’s time to create more strength in your website by putting yourself into the shoes of each website visitor who landed on your page(s) of interest.

If you’re faced with a large number of visitors to analyse (50+) then you may want to do one of the following:

  1. Focus on just one landing page (if you’re trying to analyse more than one)
  2. Analyse a smaller date range
  3. Allow more time for analysis (this is the best option – more data will help build a better understanding of what needs to improve).

The video on this page takes you through the process of looking at every individual visitor, trying to understand what they were thinking.  You will be considering:

  1. What brought them to the landing page
  2. How long they spent on the landing page before moving onto the next page(s)
  3. What their need could have been, that the website may not have answered.

What we’re focusing on here is improving the conversion from landing page to enquiry/buyer.

If, for example, you saw that 100 relevant people landed on a particular page, but the enquiries you gained didn’t seem strong (in comparison to those 100), then it’s logical to invest time in trying to understand what those 100 visitors may have been thinking from the time they landed on a page.

To use a simple example, if you sold red widgets and tracked 100 visitors who landed on that red widgets page, but most of them went no further, and enquiries about red widgets were low, then there could be various reasons why.

These reasons may include some of these few examples, that fall within the category of: your landing page is weak because:

  • There are no case study links or testimonials related to red widgets
  • You’ve not made it clear that you can work with clients in many countries worldwide
  • The red widgets imagery is poor
  • There are mistakes on the page (e.g. typos, poor grammar)
  • Red widgets may need to sub-divide into further groupings (e.g. red metal widgets, red plastic widgets)
  • Indicative pricing may need to be included
  • There is no easy way for people to make contact from that red widgets page
  • You have a red widgets video but your competitors have 3+ red widgets videos

The reasons why people don’t engage with your landing (and other) page(s) are numerous.

Your goal here is to build a picture of what’s working well, and what needs improvement.

This video takes you through the recommended process:

By looking through the page by page visitor path of every visitor who landed on your page of interest, you are saying “I CARE about this page (and supporting pages) being as strong as possible”.

And when you care, you create positive change.

Typically, the positive change comes from a relatively simple process (detailed as part of the video above) that works like this:

  1. Create a list of competitors
  2. For each competitor, go to their page that’s the equivalent of your landing page
  3. Compare that page side by side to your own page and list down elements of their page that you think may impress their website visitors (for example, a competitor may have a video and you don’t)
  4. After completing that for all competitors you have a list of page elements that your competitors are using.
  5. Create a plan that combines all, or most, of those elements into an implementation plan for your website in the days and weeks ahead.  Your objective is to take all the best parts of competitors websites and build them into your own.
  6. You should then have website landing pages that are stronger than your competitors and so will convert more of your visitors to enquiries.

Need help with any of this?  If you’re a trial or paying subscriber, just contact us for free advice – we’re here to help you.