Self-excluding yourself from the treat
Are you solely interested in the visiting companies data that you see from A1WebStats?
And if so, are you also not remotely interested in all the other functionality within A1WebStats that will help you to gain more business from your website visitors?
If this is you, then I have to respect your time and offer you two things only:
- Please return to what you were doing – thank you for reading this far.
- Take a look at the trick (that will help you as part of your following up with companies that visited your website).
Still reading?
Then get ready for nudity …
The bare facts
That’s me – Andy Harris, owner of A1WebStats.
As a baby.
On a horrible 1960s sofa.
Not wanting/needing to hide anything.
Some things have changed – I do wear clothes now.
Others haven’t changed – I’m still very open and exposed and I still don’t feel the need to hide anything (when it comes to dealing with people).
What you see is what you get with me.
I don’t hold back … not because I’m a stroppy git who hates businesses not gaining enough from their websites … but because I genuinely care about businesses succeeding.
So I focus on facts.
Facts start with data.
That data usually shows holes in the potential success of websites.
And that’s where A1WebStats comes into the picture and why I’m offering you the treat (yes, I know you’ll probably click on that link to skip ahead but try to bear with me as the next parts are relevant) …
A brief history of A1WebStats
For many years I did a LOT of website success consultancy – for direct clients and hidden behind the scenes, working on behalf of agencies.
From early 2000 for over a decade, I built up a nice income doing that.
From strategic advice to SEO to paid advertising – I helped generate £millions for businesses.
I knew that there was a recipe for success:
- Look at website visitors data.
- Identify problems.
- Get the problems fixed.
- Reap the benefits.
I strongly believed that, if we could build a software tool that would help to highlight problems with websites (more than Google Analytics can), the business world would fully take on that mindset and become more successful.
How wrong I was!
A1WebStats was born not because I wanted businesses to chase companies that visit their website, but because I wanted businesses to have a powerful tool that would enable them to identify opportunities to gain more business from their websites.
I (wrongly) thought that people within those businesses would know what to do with powerful software and that they would contribute towards achieving what I believe to be important:
Companies gaining substantially more business as a result of identifying website/marketing weaknesses, fixing those problems, and reaping the benefits.
What frustrates me
Wasted opportunity.
It’s as simple as that.
Businesses leaving money on the table because their online presence could be so much stronger.
It frustrates me to the point that I get very vocal about it.
I don’t hold back – I tell people straight because they deserve to be successful.
If I see something that needs to be better with a website/marketing then I’ll say so.
Sugar coating facts doesn’t get results.
Facts come out of website visitors data, although that data does often need to be combined with expertise in website success.
At a rough estimate, I’ve personally studied and discussed over 4,000 websites during the past 18 years.
I know what works and what doesn’t work – in a very diverse range of business sectors.
Unfortunately, it’s not easy to take what’s in my head and make that jump out of a software product.
Which brings me to the treat …
The Treat
A1WebStats has a lot of power under the hood.
The problem is that software alone is not the answer – the data needs expert interpretation.
And ‘the treat’ is me offering that expert interpretation to just a few of our customers (a maximum of 10).
From time to time (the last time I did this was nearly three years ago), I allocate a substantial amount of my time (as much as is needed to get the desired result) to customers who are dedicated to getting more business from their websites.
Unfortunately I can’t take on too many, much as I enjoy that work.
10 customers maximum is my limit.
What people say to me
Here are a few of the comments from people I’ve previously worked with, turning their A1WebStats data into substantially boosted business success. Client confidentiality means that they are necessarily anonymous, as you’d expect …
The real eye opener was the data related to visitors to the [product name removed for confidentiality] part of the website, discovering that our competitors were taking business away from us through what they had done. It seems so simple after you explained it but combining the best of the others into our [product name removed for confidentiality] and supporting pages is what made the huge difference in our enquiry levels.
Biotechnology customer
I suppose it’s easy when you’re on the outside of a business, and to be honest, I thought our internal team would have worked this out, but the lack of case studies was stupidly obvious. Now that’s all fixed and we are continuing to create new ones from those customers that allow us to. As discussed two weeks ago, we can link A1 data to enquiries we receive and that those enquiries had been to at least one of the case studies pages.
Office buildings customer
That was such a neat trick to create a link to an ‘International’ page. It gave us enough data to prove that our overseas visitors wanted to see who we had served in their parts of the world. When we added the more prominent button, the clicks to that page rose even more. As you know, and with your help (thank you) we put a lot of time into building that international section and our ratio of UK/rest of world enquiries has changed (in just the last four months) from 78:12 to 52:48, which is a huge difference.
Industrial machines manufacturing customer
…. where things really got interesting was the google remarketing that picked up on the people who got to the template page. Before our call I thought that the page was too weak and was ready to make changes to it but your perspective on it thought that those people weren’t yet pained enough to make contact from that page. I was sceptical but you were right and the A1webstats data showed us those people who came back to the site months later, from those remarketing ads, and then got in contact. Any other marketing firm would have got me paying money to change the template page.
Health & Safety consultancy customer
To be honest, I only paid for the extended sub because it was cheaper to do it that way! But thanks for your perseverance chasing me/helping me to view my data in a more beneficial way. Our PPC people are much more productive now that they can see what happens to every click from the campaigns they manage for us, and Jenny here has a much better relationship with them now that she’s better armed to see what she’s getting from the budget. I was pleased to hear that [company name removed for confidentiality] ended up as a reseller of A1Webstats so that they can add more value to their other PPC clients. I don’t have exact numbers but I reckon we’re saving around £300 per month of clicks that were previously wasted, after refining the advertising and the landing pages from those two ad groups.
Office telephony supplies customer
Here’s what I’m offering
I am offering ONLY 10 places of working 1:1 with me.
This is what those 10 people/businesses get …
1:1 consultancy
This is focused on getting your business substantially more business from your website than the cost/time of creating the strength that will make that happen.
This is how that works:
- We have a call, discussing your version of return on investment from our time working together.
- We agree what success will look like.
- We focus on aspects of your website/online presence that could be working harder for you, supported by data from your A1WebStats account.
- You commit to implementing change necessary to guarantee you the success outcome that we agree on. Note: I’m not talking about creating new websites or anything substantial, but there will likely be a requirement to strengthen elements of your website.
- We measure the outcomes from implemented actions.
- You decide when you feel that you have had a full return on investment – however long that takes. For some people it’s a few weeks. For others, it’s a few months. The outcome is what matters, working within your existing priorities.
100% guarantee of success
I don’t fail.
I’ve worked with too many companies to make failure possible. That’s why I can 100% guarantee success (provided you do of course implement the recommendations that we agree between us).
But I’m still guaranteeing that you will get the outcome that we agree on. In the extremely unlikely event that’s not achieved, I’ll refund the original fee in full and give you an extra one year onto the end of your current A1WebStats subscription at no cost.
I’m the boss – I can promise that.
Here’s what I would expect from you
You have to want to win – you need to be passionate about beating your competitors through a website that generates higher levels of enquiries and sales than it currently does.
I will expect you to be on the calls at the times we agree.
I will expect you to implement actions we agree together (within a reasonable timeframe).
I will hope you are prepared to create an (anonymous if you wish) testimonial we can use at the end.
The costs
In reality, the cost is £zero, as you will see …
You pay for the next two years of A1WebStats subscription in advance, at a (discounted) cost of £950 to cover the two years. If you already have an annual subscription, we will extend it two years from the current end date.
We work together, focused on getting you the £950 return on investment (via more enquiries and sales). Then you effectively have your subscription all paid for to cover the next two years. Our work doesn’t end until you have recouped that cost.
The work we do will also be designed to provide you with ongoing benefits. So instead of the real cost being £zero, you are soon into profit and have your subscription paid for the next two years.
An example
You have a product or service that you want to get more sales of.
To recoup the £950 you need to have gained enquiries, leading to more sales of one or more products or services.
Using data from your A1WebStats account, plus my expertise, we analyse the opportunities to strengthen parts of your website, and the marketing that drives traffic to your website.
We measure the outcomes from changes made.
We check how close we are to you gaining ROI on the £950 paid for the two year subscription plus consultancy.
We carry on until you get the agreed results.
When do I have to commit by?
10th November 2018 is the final day to receive expressions of interest.
What if there are more than 10 people who apply?
This is quite likely (based on past experience). To be totally fair we will randomly selected 10 people in a draw. We will find something beneficial that will still help those who don’t get selected.
When will I know if I’m one of the 10?
Everyone will be contacted by the end of November 12th, whether or not they are one of the 10.
What if I already have an annual subscription?
We add the two years to the end date of your current annual subscription.
What if it doesn’t work?
You have the 100% guarantee. In the extremely unlikely event that you don’t get the desired results from our work together, I’ll refund the original fee in full and give you an extra one year onto the end of your current A1WebStats subscription at no cost.
How much will I have to change my website/marketing?
To achieve more results, you may have to make some changes. Most of those will be designed to be simple and inexpensive, and that can be handled by you/your existing web developers. For most businesses, making websites/marketing stronger does not involve high cost – just the right mindset/strategy.
Next steps
I only have availability for up to 10 subscribers that I can work this closely with.
It was nearly three years ago when I last did this, and I’m not sure when I will do it again.
If you are ready to substantially benefit from working with me, then all you have to do is this:
- Email
- Email subject line: A10 treat application
- Email body: Please add me to those who are more interested in working with Andy. I understand that there is a 100% guarantee, but there are only 10 spaces available and that there will be a random draw.
- Please also include your contact details in your signature.
- You will be notified the outcome of the draw by end of Monday November 12th
- If successful, you would be expected to pay your £950 (+ VAT) two years A1WebStats subscription by week ending 16th November 2018.
- If you are not successful, I’ll find something that will provide extra value to you anyway, as a thank you for being proactive.
- If successful, our first call would be scheduled in for the week commencing 19th November 2018, which I’ve cleared my diary for.
Oh, and don’t forget that you can also have the trick as well as the treat.
The Trick
Using A1WebStats shows you companies that visit your website.
Historically, we haven’t given you a way to get closer to contact details to people from within each company.
Now we have – you can see how to do that on this page.
Wearing clothes now
I can’t believe you clicked on that link – what sort of person are you? 😉
Click here to back to where you were on the page