How to get 100% GUARANTEED more sales & enquiries for any product or service on your website.
We've worked on 6,000+ websites since 2001.
That’s how we can 100% guarantee that you will benefit from our free guide.
If you’re wanting to add javascript to a Wix website, then it’s possible that the purpose of the javascript is to aid you in gaining more insights into your website traffic. If that’s the case, then you’ll very much benefit from skimming through our page how to gain more business from your Wix website.
Now, onto how to install the javascript …
After many years waiting, Wix finally (2018) made it possible to add javascript code into Wix websites in a way that’s easier and works much better than before.
There was previously a problem that Wix didn’t play nicely with external javascript. For example, A1WebStats customers would be able to see companies that visited their website, but not what they looked at page by page. That problem is now gone.
There are some guides out there that focus on using the Wix App Market, but that method doesn’t have success with many types of javascript.
This guide focuses on the new method launched by Wix in February 2018.
Now you just need to test the installation.
If you use A1WebStats then you need to go to your Wix website, move through various pages and then see that in real time within A1WebStats by selecting Filters – All Pages from the top navigation bar, and then you will see your movement through those pages.
If using A1WebStats, you will also now be able to see names of companies that visited plus what they looked at page by page after landing on your Wix website.
If you don’t use A1WebStats, you will be able to use the application (related to the javascript installed) to check that it’s working correctly.
And here’s a video run through of how to install javascript to your Wix website …
At the top of this page we referred to our page how to gain more business from your Wix website. If that’s what you’re looking to achieve, then that page is the starting point to putting more revenue on your bottom line.
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