How to get 100% GUARANTEED more sales & enquiries for any product or service on your website.
We've worked on 6,000+ websites since 2001.
That’s how we can 100% guarantee that you will benefit from our free guide.
This page focuses on:
We recommend that you read through the whole page (to fully understand why this strategy is so important), although you may want to jump quickly to the solution before reading the page in detail.
If you like ostriches, you may want to skip the next part …
Is your business currently a lion or an ostrich?
Lion businesses are those who use this time NOW to ensure they are stronger than they were before COVID-19.
Ostrich businesses are those with their heads in the sand, thinking that business will return to the way it was before COVID-19.
Lion businesses will take advantage of Ostrich businesses, preparing to take as much business as possible from the ostriches.
You may think that the image above is crude/disgusting.
Or it may make you chuckle.
But it’s a necessary image to get across an important message: the lions are going to take full advantage of the ostriches who spend too long with their heads in the sand.
To avoid being an ostrich, and to keep that lion away from your business, carry on reading …
Numbers of website visitors down across most industries.
Much lower enquiries and sales.
Staff and spending cuts having a domino effect everywhere.
It’s pointless going into much detail on this – everyone in business is aware of the impacts.
What matters are the solutions …
You WILL have lower levels of visitors to your website.
You need to convert more of those lower levels to enquiries and sales.
For many years, we have been actively encouraging businesses to focus more attention on making websites as strong as they can be.
But most carried on the way they were.
Until now.
Website strength and insights are no longer a luxury – they’re critical.
People visited websites to source services or products.
Some websites were stronger, so converted more visitors to enquiries/sales than others.
BUT, even those websites that were more successful were still losing a LOT of potential business.
The pie chart below shows Company A before COVID-19. At that point they were getting 4% enquiries/sales out of their total website visitors, leaving 96% of visitors who didn’t interact with them.
Company A has a competitor, Competitor X, who had similar levels of website visitors, but were converting 8% of those to enquiries/sales …
While Competitor X was doing better than Company A (8% vs 4% of visitors becoming enquiries/sales), Competitor X were still not getting enquiries from 92% of their visitors.
Company A has seen a drop in the numbers of visitors to their website, as a direct result of the impact of COVID-19.
In this example, we’ve made it so that their website visitors have decreased by 30%, so they only have 70% of the website visitors they would have had before the impacts of COVID-19. However, they are still managing to convert 4% of those lower visitors to enquiries/sales.
Competitor X also sees the same decrease in website visitors and are also still managing to convert 8% of those lower visitors to enquiries/sales.
Those are best-case scenarios, where the businesses still get the same percentage of enquiries from their overall website visitor numbers. The reality is probably that they would get less.
The key point is that they are getting less numbers of visitors to their websites and are still not converting enough to enquiries.
Competitor X were getting twice the level of business than Company A (8% vs 4% of visitors becoming enquiries/sales).
So, Competitor X had a stronger website focus than Company A BUT both companies were still losing far too many opportunities, because the majority of their website visitors didn’t make contact with them.
The problem is still the same as before.
Both websites are getting lower visitors, and even though they’re getting roughly the same percentage of enquiries/sales from their lower visitors, they are both still failing to retain the interest of the majority of their website visitors.
In those charts above, the areas in red are the key problem areas.
NO business expects to get a very high percentage of their visitors converting to enquiries or sales.
ALL businesses should be working towards increasing their visitors to enquiries/sales ratio to a much better position than where they are.
If you have Google Analytics, you can do a simple test yourself, purely to demonstrate how far off you are from having a website that is strong enough to make more people enquire/buy from you …
In times when business was OK or good (pre COVID-19), most businesses didn’t focus enough attention on the numbers of people who DIDN’T make contact after looking at services or products on their websites.
All the time that enquiries and sales were happening, such things didn’t seem so important.
But they’re important now.
During this crisis, many businesses are going to use the quieter period to be constructive.
YOUR competitors could be busily making their websites and marketing strategies stronger than they currently are.
The clever businesses will be preparing for the day when everything returns to whatever ‘normal’ is at that time, and then they’ll unleash their new, revitalised, focus.
The clever businesses will know that there will be a domino effect, where high levels of unemployment will have a knock-on effect onto the majority of business sectors.
The people who have less to spend impact the sellers who aren’t making those extra sales, which carries on like the virus the world is trying to get away from.
Think that’s not true?
Here’s a simple example:
A person has no job, or reduced income.
They won’t buy that car they wanted.
The car manufacturers won’t be needing so many parts from their suppliers.
Their suppliers won’t be needing the raw materials to make the parts.
The raw material suppliers won’t have as much money to buy from their own suppliers.
The example could be anything else.
Put simply, there will definitely be people who are buying less, and that will have a knock-on effect.
Businesses that don’t prepare for that will decline further or die.
Those with low website visitors to enquiries/sales ratios will see those ratios decline even further, in line with their competitors having a stronger focus that increases their enquiries and sales.
Those businesses that think they can market themselves out of trouble are sadly mistaken – the website needs to be strong enough to convert the marketing to enquiries and sales.
It’s critically important to prepare to be a winner (a lion) and not a loser (the ostrich with its head in the sand).
Taking action now will:
Yes, governments have helped businesses in various forms.
While that’s appreciated by many, there’s a danger in getting financial help to survive vs proactively creating strength for the future.
If you focus purely on ‘getting through this’ via financial help, and do nothing else, then when COVID-19 is over, and website visitor numbers start to increase again (although they won’t get back to the same levels as before), you’ll still have the same problem: A website that is not strong enough to convert enough visitors to enquiries.
Taking an example, a business that furloughs marketing staff (maybe allowing them to work a day a week) are shooting themselves in the foot. Those staff are in a position to make numerous beneficial changes to marketing strategy, websites, etc. and so it’s crazy to limit their ability to make a difference to the future success of the business.
The stupid businesses are those capitalising on furlough funds but not actively utilising staff resources that need to be helping them in preparation for the future.
Our solution will help you strengthen your online presence short-term and longer-term.
It’ll help you make the most of the time during short-term lack of business, while building strength for the future.
Here’s the good news: what we offer is totally free for 30 days and you have a choice to continue afterwards.
This is yours totally free for 30 days.
A1WebStats is a website visitors analytics tool that enables you to gain an understanding of where a website may not be performing as well as it could be, leading to loss of enquiries and sales.
That awareness leads to positive action that helps you gain more results from your website visitors.
It’s not Google Analytics. It’s better.
It also allows you to see the names of companies that visit your website, and what they looked at page by page.
Obviously, that’s more relevant when staff are actively back in their normal workplace, and so is more muted during the worst effects of COVID-19 (and will probably never return to normal anyway).
But you will still see companies visiting your website, as this example from recently shows ..
You will also see what each individual company looked at page by page, as in this example …
That information is totally free to you during your 30 days.
That means you can follow up with them (because there’s an interest from someone within each company).
The biggest benefit of your 30 day free trial though deserves a section all of its own …
During your free 30 day trial of A1WebStats, we offer you a free screenshare call with one of our website success experts.
That call takes you through your website visitors data and highlights the following:
Even though your website visitor numbers will have decreased due to COVID-19, the following will still be happening:
What matters is that you fully impress those website visitors that you DO get, so that you get the enquiry/sale instead of a competitor who has a stronger website.
They WILL include ‘company people’ who are accessing your website from remote locations so it’s critical to impress them as much as possible.
The free website success consultancy highlights what we, and your website visitors data, recommend that you need to do with your website.
Yes, you will have to implement some changes, but those are often relatively small website changes.
You may be thinking:
“we haven’t got any budget for a web developer to make changes”.
Your web developer is likely thinking:
“my customers aren’t buying at the moment so I need to be more flexible, such as offering payment options spread over a longer period of time”.
Between what you may be thinking (no budget) and what your web developer is thinking (no work), there will be answers if you have that conversation.
If your web developer is not co-operative, then contact us – we will be able to put you in contact with people who are more flexible and who understand the importance of everyone needing to pull together.
While accepting that your ‘potential buyers’ are likely to be much more muted during the COVID-19 crisis, the key objectives are:
You have two choices here ..
Act on the free website consultancy expertise shared with you, so that your website can gain you more enquiries from visitors.
Say ‘thank you’ nicely to us and go no further than the free trial.
Continue using the A1WebStats system (and our expertise when needed) via a monthly subscription (for 96% of our customers (who have less than 3,000 visitors per month), that’s £40-50 per month).
That includes seeing the names of companies visiting your website, which will increase over time, as the impact of COVID-19 subsides.
It also includes us caring about you getting more results from your website visitors and helping you to achieve that ongoing.
And here’s more good news – there are no contracts – you can carry on using A1WebStats for as long as you want to and can cancel instantly at any time in the future.
Important: at no point during or after an A1WebStats trial will we ever sales pitch you to continue afterwards. Our focus is on supplying extra resources to help those that need the most assistance.
The first steps towards getting more from your website visitors is to enter your details on our signup page.
You don’t need any card details to sign up and there is no commitment after the free trial.
You may be interested in finding out more about the many ways that the A1WebStats system guarantees to get your more results from your website visitors. You can find out more about that on our page here.
You may also have other questions so please do use any of the methods on our contact page and we’ll be happy to help.
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