How to get 100% GUARANTEED more sales & enquiries for any product or service on your website.
We've worked on 6,000+ websites since 2001.
That’s how we can 100% guarantee that you will benefit from our free guide.
The information provided here has been checked as being up-to-date as at March 2024.
If you’ve found this page then it’s likely that you’ve been approached by Lead Forensics, or are an existing subscriber to their service, and may be looking for alternatives. If you’re currently trialling Lead Forensics then you may be interested in our guide to Lead Forensics pricing, and then return to this page.
If you’re in a hurry to see the types of features that A1WebStats offers you, please go to this page.
Twelve years ago we launched A1WebStats. At the time we didn’t know Lead Forensics existed, and vice-versa.
Fast forward to 2024 and we’ve had years of conversations with hundreds of businesses who have tried/bought Lead Forensics and are looking at alternatives to consider (of which we’re one, but not the only one). We’ve also spoken to many people who later wished they’d researched the market more (before committing to Lead Forensics) and so we hope that the insights here are useful to you.
Click here to see 16 reasons why A1WebStats will get you more business than Lead Forensics.
The most frequent question we get asked is:
“What’s the difference between A1WebStats and Lead Forensics?”.
There are many differences, both in our favour and in favour of Lead Forensics. Here’s our summary of those differences …
In our view, a free trial should be as open and flexible as possible.
When making a spending decision, it’s worth spending time to compare options side by side.
Your budget can be spread in so many directions that will benefit the success of your website. Some things are worth paying more or less for.
And on the subject of price, A1WebStats see our customers as being an opportunity to help them gain more business from their websites (with the help of our system), and not a sales transaction to notch up against targets.
In this non-active space below there used to be a video that showed what happens at Lead Forensics when they make a sale.
The video showed a Lead Forensics sales person celebrating a win, ringing the bell, and doing the rounds of the office in a self-congratulating way. It was nauseating and openly proved that the Lead Forensics culture is all about winning by making the sale and getting a client tied into a 12 month contract.
We feel that no-one should feel long-term committed to any form of online software.
It’s important to ask yourself questions about elements of a service that are not openly shared.
We believe in finding the right solution to your needs, not selling for the sake of it.
Are the details of companies visiting your website really all you should be focusing on?
When people test us side by side with Lead Forensics they usually comment that we have some companies that Lead Forensics don’t, and vice-versa, plus there are also recognisable companies that we have but they’re sometimes not presented in the same way as Lead Forensics. We don’t pretend that we’re perfect but we are constantly evolving and we have a subscriber churn rate of less than 4% (as at 2024). Yes, we lose some trial subscribers to Lead Forensics but we win a lot more than we lose and it’s very rare for us to have a paying subscriber that then goes to Lead Forensics. Perhaps more tellingly, we gain subscribers who trialled us but then bought Lead Forensics, then realised the mistake, and came back to us after their Lead Forensics 12 month contract expired.
For businesses with a CRM, integration with other systems can be a key expectation.
While we can see the benefits of CRM integration, we also take the viewpoint that there will be numerous visitors to your website, who are from companies (but aren’t connected to their company network at the time of visit) and so you won’t be able to identify them. That’s why we recommend thinking deeper about your website visitors overall.
There’s a lot of hype around the subject of IP address tracking. Lead Forensics make plenty of noise about investing huge amounts of money into databases etc. etc. but the whole concept is very very simple:
It’s not rocket science and it’s not as expensive to create and maintain databases, as you may have been led to believe. Our business founder has been using this sort of technology for 18+ years, long before Lead Forensics existed and even before Google Analytics was born. It’s been very slow for businesses to become aware that such things are possible and because it seems like the newest shiny thing (but it isn’t!), it’s easy to get tempted to buy into the first solution offered (which is usually Lead Forensics because they actively ring businesses more than any other provider).
Years ago we chose not to cover this subject but there’s no hiding the fact that Lead Forensics see us as a threat. As we’ve already said, we’re not perfect, but we do offer a solution that matches the budget of those businesses who are looking for the ability to see companies that visited their website, plus dig a lot deeper into overall website visitor patterns (in a way that isn’t easy with Google Analytics).
It’s understandable that if a smaller business takes potential business away from a larger business, then it’s going to lead to a battle. We’re a small business compared to Lead Forensics but in reality, probably one of the biggest thorns in their side. We know this because over the years we’ve heard a multitude of negative comments about us (by Lead Forensics staff) that have been made to the many people who are kind enough to share with us. We don’t take it personally – we know it’s purely down to them losing sales and not liking it (when in reality they should be thinking about what the potential client actually needs and should pay a fair price for).
What’s ironic is that the only reason we ever decided to go head to head with Lead Forensics is because they tried to poach our subscribers. Before that we didn’t even know they existed because they were invisible in Google when relevant search phrases were used. Big company trying to beat much smaller company – it happens all the time in business but in our case, we’re only going to become stronger and stronger. And that sums A1WebStats up nicely – we offer a solution that’s designed to make small to medium business websites stronger than their (often bigger) competitors, and within that overall offering, it just happens to offer the same type of functionality that Lead Forensics does.
I am looking at IP address matching sources for clients.
While the ability to do visitor IP address capture and company data matching are not dependant on your regions, your website is quoting pricing in Pounds (no problem), so I want to confirm that your scope is inclusive of the US.
Please let me know, as I have a client looking at this option.
Thanks much,
Steve Haar
Could you post you post a side by side comarison of a trial you guys ran for lead forensics? I am in the process of building a website for my business but there is a lot of conflicting information on your blog vs for example. Any help on this would be great!
Hi Adam,
In our view, although reviews of products on other sites can give indications, the definitive way to decide which product is right for you is to determine your objectives and budget, and then trial a range of offerings.
We don’t actively use Lead Forensics ourselves and so don’t have a side-by-side comparison of specific features. The closest we could get to that is via blogs such as this one.
One key element that is hopefully useful to you: see who is offering completely open trials, that allow you time to fully test what you gain from them. We offer 30 days full access via our trials whereas many of our competitors don’t do that. You do have to wonder why a service provider would want to restrict your ability to fully test what’s on offer.
Hope this helps.